Thursday, September 30, 2010


David had his 9 month appointment on the 28th, he was 19lbs 6oz and 29" long. He is a tall skinny boy and the doctor was impressed with his demeanor.

It is amazing that David has now been here longer than I was pregnant with him, time really does fly when you are having fun.

David thinks the level is great, some day his dad and grandpa will have to teach him how to use it.
Flame is very patient with David, and David loves him.

On another note, I'm doing much better. I have to wear my wrist brace for another 3 weeks, but I no longer am wearing the brace on my right arm, except for when I'm taking care of David on my own, since I can't pick him up without it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Here is David watching the first Broncos game of the season:
Out for his first bike ride:
I tripped over Flame this weekend and hit the pavement all wrong, this is not a fun reason to be off work :(

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sweet boy

Today LANL (our employer for those that don't know) had their yearly picnic. We stuffed ourselves and walked around a bit. Next year David will have fun in the bounce houses and getting his face painted.

Just hanging with mommy:

I made David a book from a fabric panel last week, he seems to like it :)

He also seems happy with his new alien bib that I sewed this afternoon.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Army crawl

David started army crawling in the last couple of weeks. Curiosity of Kelly's Great Dane Pique really increased his motivation.