Thursday, December 17, 2009

First day off of work

Well I (really my midwife) decided that yesterday was to be my last day of work. So today so far I have slept in, went grocery shopping, and took the dogs for a walk with my mom. Today is also Robert's last day at work until after the new year, he is more excited about being off of work than I was! I think that until David arrives this is going to feel like one really long weekend.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Due date!

Well today is David's due date. As I have been predicting he hasn't arrived yet, I'm hoping for sometime this week. I've felt pretty good the last couple of days, so although I'm moving slower I'm not getting too impatient yet.

I think Robert is ready to meet his son and have someone to cheer for the Broncos with (note Baby Brite's diaper).

Monday, December 7, 2009

Just waiting

David will be here sometime in the next three weeks, too bad we can't predict when! I'm still expecting that he will be late, but he has 5 more days to prove me wrong.

My mom will be here on Wed, she is staying for a month and I'm sure will be a great help.

It is snowing like crazy this evening, we have at least 5" and there is no sign of it letting up, we are hoping for a snow day tomorrow!