Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kite Festival

We took David to the Kite Festival in White Rock last weekend. Here are him and Daddy getting ready:

My favorite kite:
This was the first time that David got to play in the grass and he loved it:
He is getting so strong!

Just adorable!!
He is starting to try to climb out of his infant tub, so we are moving on to the "big" tub. He loved the duck family:
My latest carrier is a new wrap, I'm still learning how to wrap, but I'm getting faster:

Friday, May 14, 2010

Update (I'm not good at titles)

David, with Daddy's help, got me some pretty flowers for Mother's Day (this was a couple of days later, somehow I forgot to take a picture).
David was helping me in the garden and decided he wanted to play. He pulled off his sock then twisted so he could get his toes in the dirt, such a boy! I have several types of tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash, mini bell peppers, watermelon, and cantaloupe growing.
I had bought this diaper off of Etsy before David was born and he finally fits into it, adorable!
Shana and I took the boys swimming last week. They may look shy about it in this picture, but they seemed to feel right at home.