Friday, December 30, 2011


We had a nice quiet Christmas at home this year. The Lab closes for a week between Christmas and New Years, so we enjoyed our time off.

David had plenty of practice from his birthday so knew just what to do with the presents.

Christmas morning he was excited to see what appeared under the tree... A bike!

We day dinner the next day at Robert's mom's and opened more presents.
He got this gift a little late, but didn't mind. David love his trains!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Birthday weekend

Last weekend we celebrated David and Robert's Birthdays.

King for the day (or year):

He figured out that opening presents was fun pretty quickly:

He thought the candles were pretty magical:
In the afternoon we actually went to another boy's birthday party at the Santa Fe Children's Museum:
The next day it was time for Robert's party:
David and Chase:
Of course there were video games!
On their actual birthday David and Robert decided to make a trip to the aquarium to see the "ish":Birthday boys!

David now gets to sit at the big table with mom and dad instead of his highchair:
On his blanket (compare this to the same picture in his first few months):


Mommy got a new camera! I'm still trying to learn how to use it, so the exposure on some of these is off (and not all are from the new camera), but I'm getting better, hopefully I have some good pictures to come.

We have had several days of snow so far this year, it is going to be a pretty white Christmas.

David is loving his trains and trucks lately:
Decorating the tree:Santa was still pretty scary this year:

Aspiring photographer:


Ok, one more from October too:

Out for coffee with Amelia:
Traffic jam:

My parent's got to come visit for Thanksgiving this year, the first time we have had Thanksgiving together since 1998.
Checking the mail with Grandma and Grandpa:
We had to check out the toy store in Taos:

That green chair David is sitting on was his Grandpa's when he was a kid:
Taking a walk: