Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Emily Kathleen's birth story by Dad

It was August 4th, 2014 and Emily was not due for another 4 weeks (August 30th). I was relieved that we had made it to 36 weeks and now we could go forward with the birthing plan: A Home birth.  Claire and I had been slowly preparing for the birth by getting Emilys room ready, generally cleaning the house, and amassing the stuff our midwife had asked us to get for the birth. However we did not really expect anything to happen soon, and we had only finished amassing the stuff  Then it happened: my mom had told me she guessed Emily would be joining us on the 10th.  Thats when I finally realized it, she could be here any day, and that was less than a week away!  I am going to have to get busy!

Over the next week I got busy trying to finish up stuff at work (in case of an imminent birth), finished painting Emilys room, moved stuff into storage and more general clean up around the house.  With two little ones that general clean up never is really completed, so we focused on the place of birth (our bedroom and getting stuff in case we chose an outdoor birth).  I still did not expect it to happen soon, but at least we were getting more prepared now that we were past 36 weeks.  The 10th came and went without the arrival of Emily, and there were no signs that she was going to be imminent either, however that was definitely an eye opener for me that it could be any day now.  Sarah was born at 38 weeks, so at least we had some time till then.

Tuesday the 12th of August had been a normal day for me.  First work then home, today was slightly different in that Claire had her monthly doula meeting and was going to be home late (9:00ish, after kids are in bed).  I was getting the kids in bed (7:55) when I received the text: 

         Im feeling really cramps Not sure what to think but different than the                  Braxton hicks Ive been having.

Hmm, to me that means something is happening, could be nothing, but probably is something.  I had suggested she come home early.. Which she was in the process of doing. I finished up getting the kids in bed, then set out to getting any last minute cleaning I could get done before she got home.  I also started the early warning system to let Kelly know she might be called over this evening (she would help watch the kids during labor/birth).  After what seemed like a long time Claire got home, and went straight to the restroom. 

In talking about how she was doing she indicates that she thinks her water might have broke while at the Doula meeting.  WHAT?!  Her water had only broken on the last two births during active labor so now I figured this was happening and happening soon.  For whatever reason Claire did not seem to have the same sentiment as I did, but I can not tell how she is feeling so it must not be soon.  She called the midwife to let her know that her water broke, but didnt seem to think it would be too soon, so no need to come up yet (Although she did have some bloody show too, meaning she was dilating).  The midwife asked Claire to call if Emily wasnt moving so she could come up and check Emily.  Claire started to track her contractions and noted that Emily wasnt moving much, so she had the midwife come on up.  No rush

We did what we could to clean up the bedroom as best we could.  The contractions were getting more painful as Claire started to focus on her breathing.  Since we had considered an outside birth we went outside to check on the temperature and see if it was something we wanted to do.  It was nice and cool outside, so we labored outside on the driveway working on the contractions as they got closer together and more painful. Claire had finally decided it will be tonight, so she texted the midwife that she should have her backup come also, and let Kelly know that she could come over. 

As the contractions got more and more painful, I started to wonder where was everyone?  How long has it been?  It had only been 20 minutes since the midwife was on her way!  Was I going to get to delivery the baby?! I hope they hurry! The midwife hadnt sent me the what to do in case baby comes before the midwife gets there list yet! (That was going to be at tomorrows appointment!).  She had called to say she got the text and was about 20 minutes out still, and asked how strong contractions were, I believe I indicated they were strong and we were close

Since we had talked about a potential outdoor birth, in between contractions I started to ask what we wanted to do, if I should bring the stuff outside in order to be ready or not.  While we were outside and I was acting as her support, if we waited any longer then I knew it was not going to be possible.  She could not decide, so ultimately that meant it was not going to be an outside birth.  I think neither of us wanted to try to take the time at that moment to be apart and make that happen that and it was dark (during Sarahs birth I was working on the pilot light for the heater late in labor).

Claires contractions were starting to run together and she was getting tired of standing outside.  So we came into the house and got on the bed, where she continued to labor using the yoga ball (arms/head on ball and in crouching position).  I know we must be getting close, everything appears ready, except for having anyone else there!  But then at last, Kelly has arrived.  At least now there is an extra pair of hands to help deliver the baby!  Claire asks who has arrived, and I let her know that it was Kelly, and NOT the midwife!  When we had Sarah the moment we got to the birth center her knew it was ok, and she started pushing immediately, I was not ready for that to occur.  Kelly peaks in at us on the bed, and not wanting to intrude hangs out in the dinning room.  My focus at this point was with Claire, so unfortunately I couldnt really relay how close we were getting or any info on how close the contractions were getting.  

Not long after that the midwife shows up .  She comes in and see us on the bed laboring, I think she recognized it would be soon Kelly helped her bring bags in from the car, and thats when Claire utters the word, push.  Oh-its time now! So I let her know Claire feels the need to push (there was no time to check either Claire or the baby yet).

Claire had previously mentioned that David wanted to be part of the birth, so I went and got David.  When I brought him over he was still half asleep, and he didnt quite understand what was happening and went back to bed.

Unlike with David or Sarah, I was holding Claires hands from the top of the bed and helping her with the pushes (well as much as I can, not being the pusher) and I could not see any of the action going on down stairs.  However I was able to see from my view that the lens cap was still on the camera, so maybe I earned my keep with that one.  In both previous instances I could see them coming out, and watch as they are born.  That was not going to get to be the case this time, and then the midwife says (paraphrase): The baby is breach, your doing great, and everything looks great, when I tell you to push, push like you've never pushed before.  I also have to call the paramedics to let them know, but I do not think they will be here before the baby is here. 

I didnt really have time to think about all the implications of a breach birth to both baby and mommy at the time.  I was getting ready to support Claire for the big push.  The midwife called the paramedics, indicating it was an undiagnosed breach birth, and baby would be here momentarily. Claire had a few  contractions/pushes and then a slight pause.  Unknown to me the baby was half out through to about the stomach.  Then Claire had another push and out popped Emily! No big push required, she had come out just like she was supposed to in a nicely tucked position so that she did not get hung up on her upper body!  Emily was here at 10:54PM on 8/12/14 with a nice large cry!  Both Claire and Emily were doing great!

A few minutes later the paramedics arrived; and then a few minutes after that the midwifes assistant arrived.  The paramedics saw that everyone was doing ok, took a few vitals (yes everyone one doing great) had me fill out some forms and then left. 

Well, it wasnt that simple or fast, but it was all pretty much a blur at that point, checking out the placenta, trying to get the cord blood, Claire nursing Emily.  It all went by so fast, but everyone is doing great, and we look forward to our lives with Emily being apart of it.   

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