We decided to take a last minute road trip this past weekend. I'd been wanting to go to the Grand Canyon for years (neither of us had been), and we had Thursday off of work, so Robert and I decided to go!
We left Wed. evening and drove about 3 hours, then finished the drive Thurs. morning.
Entering Arizona:
Thursday afternoon we spent at the rim of the Grand Canyon. It really is quite a sight, you can't even see to the bottom in most places.
Friday we decided to hike below the rim. We didn't know how far we would go, but decided to pack a lunch. We ended up just going three miles down, eating, and hiking back up. I was a bit slow on the down, but it actually took us less time to hike up than down.
Getting started:
On our way back up:
There are free buses that run through the park and stop at different scenic points, so we decided to ride out to one end after our hike:
Saturday morning we went back to the park and had a nice breakfast, and again walked along the rim, we were still tired from the day before, so took it easy.
That afternoon we packed up and headed south to Sedona where we had a really nice hotel and stayed two nights. On Sunday we were able to have lunch with my childhood friend Lindsey and her husband who drove up from Phoenix to see us. In the afternoon we headed to Red Rocks State Park to do some more hiking (notice a theme yet?).
Monday morning we left early and headed back to New Mexico. Lynette (Robert's sister) was being awarded her CPA certificate in the afternoon, so we were able to make it back in time to see that.