We decided to drive up to Colorado for Memorial Day weekend, David's first trip out of state.

One of our first stops was the Broncos' Stadium:

We took a tour of the stadium, which I highly recommend. David tried out of of the box seats, he will be pretty disappointed in the seats for his first real game I think:

Of course David and Robert had to get matching Tebow (Broncos future quarter back) jerseys:

On Memorial Day we participated in the 10k Bolder Boulder, along with about 47,000 other people! David thought it was a cinch and fell asleep on mom's back for at least half of it:

We even saw Santa! There were some people in costumes doing the race, lots of people in their yards cheering, and quite a few garage bands playing along the way:

The finish line was at the Colorado university stadium, this is the only race I will ever do where there are this many people cheering at the finish:

Robert and David happy to be done and enjoying a pretty day:

For more excitement, when we got home we decided David was ready to start food. First up, avocado:

This pretty much sums up what he thought, he only ate a couple of pieces, the next day he was a little more interested.