Wednesday, March 31, 2010


David rolled from tummy to back for the first time Monday, and thanks to Robert's idea to set up a tripod we caught the second time (today) on video.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

3 months already

Three months today!

We went to the Los Alamos children's resale this morning, it wasn't as big as the fall, but we still found plenty of toys and clothes for David.

Laying on his Eskimo quilt:

Who is eating who?
Since David is getting more excited by toys we thought he might enjoy his jumparoo:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Back to work

Now that David is 12 weeks old my maternity leave is up. I started back to work on Monday, I'm just working the afternoons, 12-6 and Robert is working 7-4:30 except Wed when he gets off at 11. Robert's mom is watching David while we are both at work. So far everything has been going smoothly.
David and I have been taking a baby sign language class. The class is fun, we learn signs and sing songs. The teacher tells us that if you are consistent babies can learn to recognize signs at 3 months, but they probably won't start signing back until 6 months. Right now I'm mostly just using the "milk" and "play" signs.

David has become a lot more interested in toys this last week, the spinning ones on his bouncy chair are his favorite:
Here is David watching his mom and dad eat dinner (he got toys after the picture was taken):
I tend to get excited about different items, for a while it was finding the perfect cloth diapers, now it is baby carriers. I have been using the Moby, a stretchy wrap, since week 1. I've tried pouch sling, and can use them for a bit, but they don't feel as secure. So I've started trying others.
Here is David in a Gypsy Mama gauze wrap:
Robert with David in a Beco Butterfly II:I have another wrap on the way, I'll post pictures one of these days.