Robert and I have decided to change doctors. He wasn't particularly fond of our OB at first impressions, it took me meeting her twice before I felt the same way. Unfortunately there is only one OB in Los Alamos, yes, if you want to deliver at the Los Alamos Medical Center, you have no choice. So I started looking outside of Los Alamos, I know several women that have delivered at St. Vincent's in Santa Fe, but I was reluctant to just go to another hospital. I found Northern NM Midwifery in Taos, my biggest fear with giving birth is laying in bed with IVs and monitors strapped to me, so I thought this would be a good option. After going to visit last Friday Robert was sold too. The midwife sat and talked to us for quite a while (while holding her infant son in a sling) and answered our questions. The birthing area has a kitchen and living area for the families to use and the office is right across the street from the hospital should we need that. So pending insurance approval that is where we will be having our baby :)
Other tidbits:
We attended our first birth class (in Taos) yesterday, it wasn't quite what I was expecting, but I think it was useful. That is a 4-session class, so we will go again tomorrow then 2x next week.
Robert assembled the bassinet yesterday, so that is now sitting in the corner of our room, just waiting for a baby.
I haven't been sleeping to well lately. I think it might be related to the fact that I had a bad cold last week, and I still have a lingering cough. When I was sick last week I was really glad that we had the new La-z-boy recliners, true this morning too when I couldn't get back to sleep.
This past weekend I helped man at aid station at the
Pajarito Trail Fest. I'd run this race last year, and hiking up the ski hill just didn't appeal to me at 31 weeks pregnant, so I decided to volunteer. I'd never helped with an air station before and I quite enjoyed it, it was fun cheering for everyone as they ran through. The 10k runners mostly flew past as we told them they had less than a minute to the finish and we handed out snacks and drinks to the 15 milers. I think I'll plan to help out with a race again some day.