The weather for my cousin Chris's wedding was perfect, they had a great location, and a pleasingly short ceremony. Followed by bbq and carrot cake :)
Me at the wedding: (it is a really pretty location, isn't it?)

While I was gone our new rockers came in. I wanted a glider, but Robert and I couldn't agree on any at babies-r-us so he suggested la-z-boy. We found one that we both found really comfortable, but I still wanted a glider and he preferred the rocker, so our solution? Get both! The chairs look exactly the same, so we will eventually have a pair to keep in our room, but for now the rocker is in our room and the glider in David's.
I had my 28 week (!) doctor appointment today. I had to do a glucose challenge to see if I'm at risk for gestational diabetes, which I passed :) While drinking my orange flavored drink I thought it tasted a lot like Sunkist, and I was surprised to find that a Sunkist actually contains the same amount of sugar as that drink, scary. The doctor said everything looked good, the baby is head down and had a heart rate in the 140s.
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