Thursday, December 17, 2009
First day off of work
Well I (really my midwife) decided that yesterday was to be my last day of work. So today so far I have slept in, went grocery shopping, and took the dogs for a walk with my mom. Today is also Robert's last day at work until after the new year, he is more excited about being off of work than I was! I think that until David arrives this is going to feel like one really long weekend.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Due date!
Well today is David's due date. As I have been predicting he hasn't arrived yet, I'm hoping for sometime this week. I've felt pretty good the last couple of days, so although I'm moving slower I'm not getting too impatient yet.
I think Robert is ready to meet his son and have someone to cheer for the Broncos with (note Baby Brite's diaper).
I think Robert is ready to meet his son and have someone to cheer for the Broncos with (note Baby Brite's diaper).
Monday, December 7, 2009
Just waiting
David will be here sometime in the next three weeks, too bad we can't predict when! I'm still expecting that he will be late, but he has 5 more days to prove me wrong.
My mom will be here on Wed, she is staying for a month and I'm sure will be a great help.
It is snowing like crazy this evening, we have at least 5" and there is no sign of it letting up, we are hoping for a snow day tomorrow!
My mom will be here on Wed, she is staying for a month and I'm sure will be a great help.
It is snowing like crazy this evening, we have at least 5" and there is no sign of it letting up, we are hoping for a snow day tomorrow!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Full-term :)
I am now officially full-term, which means 37 weeks. That means that I can now deliver at the birth center, earlier than this and I would have had to go to the hospital. So anytime in the next 5 weeks David will be joining us. If I make it to 42 weeks pregnant I will have to go to the hospital to be induced, I'm really hoping to avoid that (for multiple reasons)! I am guessing that I will be a little bit late, but no one can predict, so the waiting game begins....

Sunday Kelly, Mike, Angela and Jessica threw a baby shower for Robert and I. It was great to see everyone, and I ate entirely to many brownies. I'm still impressed that Robert was able to cut a string to within millimeters of the diameter of my belly.
Sunday Kelly, Mike, Angela and Jessica threw a baby shower for Robert and I. It was great to see everyone, and I ate entirely to many brownies. I'm still impressed that Robert was able to cut a string to within millimeters of the diameter of my belly.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thanks MIMs!
Monday, November 9, 2009
On Sunday Jennifer threw a great baby shower for me! A lot of my coworkers were able to come and brought some yummy food. I tied as winner of the game were we had to say which old wives tales predicted boy or girl. I guess David and I are following them pretty well since I based most of my answers on my experience the last few months. Thanks everyone, we love everything that you got us and I had a great time! (I'll post pictures as soon as I get some!)
Otherwise everything is still going well. The midwife says everything looks good. I don't have an appointment this week, but starting next week I will have one every week. Robert was born at 35 weeks, I was born at 42, so who knows when this little boy will be coming.
Otherwise everything is still going well. The midwife says everything looks good. I don't have an appointment this week, but starting next week I will have one every week. Robert was born at 35 weeks, I was born at 42, so who knows when this little boy will be coming.
Monday, November 2, 2009
November already
It's November! That means next month David will be here! I'm due in 6 weeks, but full term is between 37 and 42 weeks, so we expect to meet him anytime between 3 and 8 weeks from now. I started washing David's clothes yesterday, but still have a lot left to do with blankets and diapers, etc.
For Halloween we went to McCall's Pumpkin Patch with Mike and Kelly, they had a haunted barn and corn maze. We had fun, and I discovered I'm not as jumpy as I had anticipated. I was disappointed that the haunted maze was a lot smaller than the daytime maze, so we will have to go back during the day one of these years.
For Halloween we went to McCall's Pumpkin Patch with Mike and Kelly, they had a haunted barn and corn maze. We had fun, and I discovered I'm not as jumpy as I had anticipated. I was disappointed that the haunted maze was a lot smaller than the daytime maze, so we will have to go back during the day one of these years.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Robert and I decided to volunteer at our local children's resale this weekend, doing that allowed us to shop early. There were an amazing number of clothes there, as well as toys and accessories. I think we are now ready to dress triplets! Baby clothes are just so cute, it is hard to not get them, especially for $1 or so. This afternoon we went and helped with the clean up. All the clothes had to be sorted by seller so that they could come pick up everything that was not sold. Below is during the clean up, this was maybe 10-15% of the clothes that were there.

We finished our birth classes in Taos last week, and decided we would still take the ones in Los Alamas, good to be as informed as possible! We have about 7 weeks to go!

We finished our birth classes in Taos last week, and decided we would still take the ones in Los Alamas, good to be as informed as possible! We have about 7 weeks to go!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Birth center
Robert and I have decided to change doctors. He wasn't particularly fond of our OB at first impressions, it took me meeting her twice before I felt the same way. Unfortunately there is only one OB in Los Alamos, yes, if you want to deliver at the Los Alamos Medical Center, you have no choice. So I started looking outside of Los Alamos, I know several women that have delivered at St. Vincent's in Santa Fe, but I was reluctant to just go to another hospital. I found Northern NM Midwifery in Taos, my biggest fear with giving birth is laying in bed with IVs and monitors strapped to me, so I thought this would be a good option. After going to visit last Friday Robert was sold too. The midwife sat and talked to us for quite a while (while holding her infant son in a sling) and answered our questions. The birthing area has a kitchen and living area for the families to use and the office is right across the street from the hospital should we need that. So pending insurance approval that is where we will be having our baby :)
Other tidbits:
We attended our first birth class (in Taos) yesterday, it wasn't quite what I was expecting, but I think it was useful. That is a 4-session class, so we will go again tomorrow then 2x next week.
Robert assembled the bassinet yesterday, so that is now sitting in the corner of our room, just waiting for a baby.
I haven't been sleeping to well lately. I think it might be related to the fact that I had a bad cold last week, and I still have a lingering cough. When I was sick last week I was really glad that we had the new La-z-boy recliners, true this morning too when I couldn't get back to sleep.
This past weekend I helped man at aid station at the Pajarito Trail Fest. I'd run this race last year, and hiking up the ski hill just didn't appeal to me at 31 weeks pregnant, so I decided to volunteer. I'd never helped with an air station before and I quite enjoyed it, it was fun cheering for everyone as they ran through. The 10k runners mostly flew past as we told them they had less than a minute to the finish and we handed out snacks and drinks to the 15 milers. I think I'll plan to help out with a race again some day.
Other tidbits:
We attended our first birth class (in Taos) yesterday, it wasn't quite what I was expecting, but I think it was useful. That is a 4-session class, so we will go again tomorrow then 2x next week.
Robert assembled the bassinet yesterday, so that is now sitting in the corner of our room, just waiting for a baby.
I haven't been sleeping to well lately. I think it might be related to the fact that I had a bad cold last week, and I still have a lingering cough. When I was sick last week I was really glad that we had the new La-z-boy recliners, true this morning too when I couldn't get back to sleep.
This past weekend I helped man at aid station at the Pajarito Trail Fest. I'd run this race last year, and hiking up the ski hill just didn't appeal to me at 31 weeks pregnant, so I decided to volunteer. I'd never helped with an air station before and I quite enjoyed it, it was fun cheering for everyone as they ran through. The 10k runners mostly flew past as we told them they had less than a minute to the finish and we handed out snacks and drinks to the 15 milers. I think I'll plan to help out with a race again some day.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Cute Kitty
No luck on the cold going away. I took half of yesterday off and a good portion of today, yesterday I had a slight fever, today that is gone, but I'm pretty congested.
This is Kindle's new favorite place to sleep:
She is going to be sorely disappointed when we move the car seat to the car in a month or so.
This is Kindle's new favorite place to sleep:
Monday, October 5, 2009
Hiking and Dogs
Since I can't comfortably run anymore, going hiking is second best, and I really get to spend more time looking around rather than the trail right in front of my feet. My friend Shana (who is now 26.5 weeks pregnant) and I have gotten out two days in a row. Yesterday we did 3 or 3.5 miles near my house and today we went 2.7 closer to where I work. The dogs got to come both times, Flame loved it, and Kira begrudgingly followed along. The hike today was right after Flame's vet appointment to get his stitches out. We don't know what he did, but two weeks ago he came inside with a huge gash on his back leg, the vet says it looks like he snagged it on something. About 10 stitches and a couple of weeks in a head cone so he wouldn't lick it later he is all healed.
Robert spent the past weekend in Dallas at his cousin's wedding. It was a quick trip, but I think he enjoyed seeing his extended family, and he said that the bride looked great!
I'm afraid that I may be getting a cold :( I woke up with a slightly scratchy throat this morning, it hasn't gotten better, and now I think my voice is starting to sound funny. Hopefully tomorrow is better.
Robert spent the past weekend in Dallas at his cousin's wedding. It was a quick trip, but I think he enjoyed seeing his extended family, and he said that the bride looked great!
I'm afraid that I may be getting a cold :( I woke up with a slightly scratchy throat this morning, it hasn't gotten better, and now I think my voice is starting to sound funny. Hopefully tomorrow is better.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Home again
I had a good trip, but I'm glad to be home. Training was great, BDs classes are put together really well, and I feel pretty confident about running the instrument. Last Wednesday they took us to San Francisco in a limo then to a nice dinner in Sausalito.
The weather for my cousin Chris's wedding was perfect, they had a great location, and a pleasingly short ceremony. Followed by bbq and carrot cake :)
Me at the wedding: (it is a really pretty location, isn't it?)

While I was gone our new rockers came in. I wanted a glider, but Robert and I couldn't agree on any at babies-r-us so he suggested la-z-boy. We found one that we both found really comfortable, but I still wanted a glider and he preferred the rocker, so our solution? Get both! The chairs look exactly the same, so we will eventually have a pair to keep in our room, but for now the rocker is in our room and the glider in David's.
I had my 28 week (!) doctor appointment today. I had to do a glucose challenge to see if I'm at risk for gestational diabetes, which I passed :) While drinking my orange flavored drink I thought it tasted a lot like Sunkist, and I was surprised to find that a Sunkist actually contains the same amount of sugar as that drink, scary. The doctor said everything looked good, the baby is head down and had a heart rate in the 140s.
I'm up to 6 followers! does that make me close to popular?
The weather for my cousin Chris's wedding was perfect, they had a great location, and a pleasingly short ceremony. Followed by bbq and carrot cake :)
Me at the wedding: (it is a really pretty location, isn't it?)

While I was gone our new rockers came in. I wanted a glider, but Robert and I couldn't agree on any at babies-r-us so he suggested la-z-boy. We found one that we both found really comfortable, but I still wanted a glider and he preferred the rocker, so our solution? Get both! The chairs look exactly the same, so we will eventually have a pair to keep in our room, but for now the rocker is in our room and the glider in David's.
I had my 28 week (!) doctor appointment today. I had to do a glucose challenge to see if I'm at risk for gestational diabetes, which I passed :) While drinking my orange flavored drink I thought it tasted a lot like Sunkist, and I was surprised to find that a Sunkist actually contains the same amount of sugar as that drink, scary. The doctor said everything looked good, the baby is head down and had a heart rate in the 140s.
I'm up to 6 followers! does that make me close to popular?
Monday, September 14, 2009
San Jose
We made it to San Jose and through my first day of class. David either loves or hates traveling, as he has been kicking like crazy. I think it is funny when I'm standing there with my arms crossed and I keep feeling them bounce as he kicks.
Class went well today, learned some new tricks for instrument alignment. Then I found a dress for my cousin's wedding and went out to dinner, so overall a good day.
Class went well today, learned some new tricks for instrument alignment. Then I found a dress for my cousin's wedding and went out to dinner, so overall a good day.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
First post
Well, I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now, and just haven't gotten around to it, couldn't think up a name, excuses, excuses. Angela came up with a cute blog name for me, and while this isn't quite it, this is a spin off, so thanks!
What is new in our life? Awaiting our first baby of course! I'm almost t the 3rd trimester, due December 13th, 2009. And while I'm so excited to meet David Ryan, that makes it sound so close, I'm starting to get nervous. I think that we are "ready" though, we bought the nursery furniture a couple of weeks ago, and I love it, Robert came right home and put it together. We have had so many generous friends give us their gently used baby gear and clothes that we really don't need to buy too much else, thought I seem to be finding plenty I want. One thing we did buy is a BOB jogging stroller, I really want to get back to running as soon as I can, and I don't see any reason that David shouldn't enjoy it with me.
I have been doing some sewing lately. Robert and I have decided that we will use cloth diapers for David. We bought some that were cute but couldn't find any in Denver Broncos fabric, the answer? I can do that! I made a pattern and a diaper, then a second and found a very friendly lady that was willing to try it on her newborn for me, and she seemed very happy with it. So I'm off to buy more fabric and spend time at my sewing machine.

I leave Sunday for San Jose, I'm going to training for a new instrument at work. Traveling has become less exciting to me in the last year, I think I got burnt out after to many trips last year (Mexican cruise, Budapest, Maine, Alaska, and Boston), this year I've been to Alaska, New Orleans, and Hawaii, plus a week in Albuquerque, which only half counts. I am interested to learn about this instrument though, and I think the trip will be fun. I'm then heading straight to Seattle for my cousin Chris's wedding, and back home exactly a week after I leave.
One last pic for those that have been asking, this is me at 24 weeks (even though I'm 26 weeks 4 days now):
What is new in our life? Awaiting our first baby of course! I'm almost t the 3rd trimester, due December 13th, 2009. And while I'm so excited to meet David Ryan, that makes it sound so close, I'm starting to get nervous. I think that we are "ready" though, we bought the nursery furniture a couple of weeks ago, and I love it, Robert came right home and put it together. We have had so many generous friends give us their gently used baby gear and clothes that we really don't need to buy too much else, thought I seem to be finding plenty I want. One thing we did buy is a BOB jogging stroller, I really want to get back to running as soon as I can, and I don't see any reason that David shouldn't enjoy it with me.
I leave Sunday for San Jose, I'm going to training for a new instrument at work. Traveling has become less exciting to me in the last year, I think I got burnt out after to many trips last year (Mexican cruise, Budapest, Maine, Alaska, and Boston), this year I've been to Alaska, New Orleans, and Hawaii, plus a week in Albuquerque, which only half counts. I am interested to learn about this instrument though, and I think the trip will be fun. I'm then heading straight to Seattle for my cousin Chris's wedding, and back home exactly a week after I leave.
One last pic for those that have been asking, this is me at 24 weeks (even though I'm 26 weeks 4 days now):
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